Single list link for 26+ inventions ideas designs developed by me and qualified in techbriefs @NASA.
For each explanation and drawings find the below link.
- Transportation system used lift & gravitational force into forward thrust.
“” To increase in efficiency of an air transportation system ”
“”” Future air transportation systems.
- Increase in payload without increasing size of ship boat marine vehicles.
- Possibility to reduce touching surface area of marine vehicles with fluid surface.
- Walking & Running transportation system.
- Cloth drying machine.
- Flexible board for laptop books etc.
- Welding electrode #electrode holder design, its uses & applications.
- Combined Car Aircraft Hovercraft transportation system.
- Overpass Transportation system.
- Fastest Ambulance in the world.
- Sideways hanging transportation system.
- Multi-stage compressed air chambers continuous in series transportation system.
- Bubble travel and its related phenomena, its applications.
- Reverse the effect of airflow on systems or objects.
- Horizontal wheel positioned railway system.
- Impact protection of falling smartphone and its related applications.
- Enclosed bed air-conditioning system.
- New wireless coordinate scale or measuring instrument.
- Call ringing alert before actual ringing.
- Pulling marine vehicles transportation system.
- Rotor/Turbine etc. with small discharge of fluid, & its related applications
- Earthquake proof buildings and systems.
- Flute shape system & its related applications.
- Cross-sectional area converting machine.
- Square turning mechanism and its related applications.
- Human powered movable pumping machine.
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Rajiv. S